It's been a very long time since my last entry. There have been many days that I thought to myself, "Hey, you need to start blogging again", but I allowed the redundancy of my days to wear me down, using work, pregnancy, and family as my excuses not to write. Don't get me wrong, I was extremely tired and anyone would be quick to tell you that I probably over did it on many occasions. However, writing about this journey I've been on helps me to stay accountable for my actions when it comes to eating well and staying physically active. There were times (more often than I care to admit) that I fell short with my eating habits, more so toward the end of my pregnancy. None of the eating offenses were anything to really be ashamed about.Yet, I did feel twinges of guilt when I ate more than my fair share of pizza or ice cream in one sitting, even though those around me tried to convince me it was my God-given right as a pregnant woman to eat whatever the hell I liked. I was still trying to work out, getting in weight sessions, pool time and slowly jogging up until about 37 weeks. I even completed a 5K with my coworkers for a charity run, and they were impressed that at 9 months pregnant I dared to hit the pavement. The following week, I decided it was best to start walking.
last 5k
Baby Shower in June
I worked full time fulfilling my physical therapist duties until June 27, 2014,the day before I had my second prince, Thaddeus. He was three days overdue! I probably would have kept working until he eventually fell out. I had a very good pregnancy and birth experience, for the most part, which I attribute to staying physically active. I was able to have a vaginal birth this time around, which many doctors don't like to attempt after a woman has had a cesarean birth. I did gain much more weight than I wanted to. I can't blame Thaddeus. He only made up about 5lbs and 13 oz of the weight I gained. A lot of the weight was fluid, because I did swell up a lot toward the end of the nearly 10 months of pregnancy. I also had something going on with my liver, brought about by the pregnancy. The liver complication prompted the doctor to get the ball rolling with my labor( which is an adventure I will share with you all at another time). However, I would say about 15% of the weight I gained was due to unhealthy habits. The evidence would become clearer after I had the baby, when all the swelling quickly disappeared and my stomach dwindled down, thankfully due to one of the great benefits of breast feeding. Now, you're probably going to think I'm crazy, but right now I have sort of this love/hate relationship with my post pregnancy body. The pluses: 1. I am much smaller post pregnancy this time around than I was with my first baby. 2. I am quite proud of my milky boobs. Not only are they fuller, but they allow my child to sustain life, and I am amazed that I am capable of lactating. 3. I didn't gain any more stretch marks than I did the first pregnancy. The minuses: 1. My muffin top is back. 2. I gained weight in my arms, and my arms were my pride and joy this time last year. 3. There are only two pairs of pants I can fit right now( thank God for maxi-dresses and support garments)/mP8j6Mon9qI/s320/baby+004.jpg" />
This blog has been designed to chronicle my weight loss over the next few months. Not just because I want to lose weight, but I want to be held accountable for the promise I made to God and myself---to honor the temple that he gave me, because this will be the only one I will inhabit for the rest of my life. I hope that this blog inspires others who may be on their own personal journey or help others who are trying to lose weight, to realize that they were "made for more"...
Monday, August 4, 2014
Pump It Up! Pump It Out!
Baby Thaddeus, 1 month old
Most people have said to me, "Girl, you look good!", one of those people being my husband and he gets major points for saying this. I know what my body is capable of. I know that the way I look now is not the best I can look. I know that the way I feel now is not the best I can feel. I need to do something about it quickly before my weight spirals out of control again. So, on August 1, I decided to officially start the next part of my journey, which I am playfully calling, "Pump It Up/Pump It Out". I have been taking daily walks since I had my little boy, but I really hadn't developed a fitness plan that I was ready to commit to. This one is simple and practical for my lifestyle as it is right now. Since this time around, I am determined to breast feed/pump as long as possible, my first step to this plan is to pump as much as I can 3 times during the day for at least 20 minutes, and exclusively feed from the breast at night. For those of you that don't know, when you breast feed, you burn a lot of calories and that is why it is so helpful at facilitating weight lost post pregnancy. There are so many other benefits to breast feeding, but we will discuss that at a later time. The second step is to work out at least 20 minutes, instituting a combo a cardio and weight training. I say at least 20 minutes because when you have a new baby, and other responsibilities, 20 minutes may be all you can spare during day. It may not seem like a lot, but an intense workout in a short period of time can yield some great results if done daily. If I am able to do more, I will. Even though I would love to run, for now when I have baby in tow, I have to walk briskly. The third step is to record my activity, and meals, even if I feel slightly ashamed about that subway chocolate chip cookie I probably could have done without out. I recently read a statement by Dave Ramsey, "If you don't write it down, it won't work". Although he was referring to finances, this statement can also hold true for any plan you want to execute successfully.
Me, 5 weeks post partum
I recently tried to do a push up. I could barely lift my torso away from the ground. Last year I could do 10 regular push ups, which doesn't sound like much, but for a girl who could not even do one push up the year before that, it was a great victory. I want to feel strong again. I want to feel tight and not flabby. I want to be in my size 8/10 pants and dresses again! Waah, waah, waah, whine, whine, whine, yada, yada, yada. I know I probably sound superficial, but I have realized my weight loss goal before. I want to feel the euphoria that comes with accomplishing that goal once again. I know it will not happen overnight, but I am excited about taking a step in the right direction. My pastor, Steven Furtick, recently said, " Beware of the temptation to give up what you want now for what you want most". Do I want that cookie now, with empty calories and the twinge of regret that comes with it? Or do I want to be back to my fabulous, fit self? Passing up dessert now doesn't mean I won't ever have dessert again. I just know that there is something better than that dessert that I want right now, and I have to work hard to earn it. Sundays I will allow one cheat meal. Hey, even the Lord had to rest on the seventh day!
Every pound and inch that I lose, I dedicate to the loves of my life: Jason, David Anthony, and Thaddeus Isaac.
Starting Weight:205 Goal Weight: 150
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Well, when I first found out I was pregnant again back in December, I had every intention of regularly blogging about my experience with this pregnancy while trying to stay in the best shape as possible. No, really I did, lol.
But, life as always, has gotten in the way. I am beating myself up for not chronicling this pregnancy experience as much as I should have, and trust me it has been quite an experience. Let me say that currently I am about 25 weeks and 3 days. For the most part, physically, I feel pretty good. I have been able to continue with my workout routine, though modified, about 4 days a week. I manage to squeeze in short run/walks in between getting off work and picking my son up from After-school care, and I try to go to the gym to do my free weight routine twice a week. I get very upset when I don't leave work on time because it messes up my whole workout regimen. Although I can take my son to the gym with me, he is now in kindergarten and once I pick him up, I like to go home immediately so we can work on his homework (he doesn't have much, but I create work for him because I want him to be successful), get him fed and in the bed at a decent time. I don't want my work out routine to take away from the precious few hours I have with him in a day. I am still leading my small Sunday run group, though I'm more like leading from the back of the pack these days.I am sooooo slow, which was to be expected. I'm walking more than running, but I discovered I am a pretty good speed walker. However, I had no idea this new little booger would slow me down so much so early on. Things in general, are going rather smooth with this pregnancy. Everyday I thank God for every little squirm or kick. I feel sooo blessed!
Well...let me tell you what I was not prepared for, or more like what I forgot about since my last full term pregnancy, nearly seven years ago. Sorry if this is TMI for some folks!
1. I forgot that I would NEVER find a comfortable position to sleep in, hence why I basically fall into a coma the moment I put my son down for bed. I am used to operating on 4-6 hours of sleep, but my sleep is very sporadic and it drives me CRAAZY!!! Driving 30 minutes to work is a nightmare, because I am so groggy. I toss and turn every night, which has been sooo much fun for my husband, too!
2. I don't feel like I have that motherly glow at all this time! I just feel greasy! I'm a few years older this time and my skin has drastically changed. My skin was never flawless, but at the beginning of this pregnancy, I broke out horribly! My regular skin routine was not working anymore. Finally, I think I have found a solution to controlling my breakouts (shouts out to the people that make Black Soap and Astringent). I'm not having nearly as many pimples since I started using the new products.
3. Glorious hair this, not so much! At the beginning, my hair was so friggin dry, no matter how much I conditioned it. With David, my hair was so healthy, shiny and thick from the beginning, it didn't even shed after I had him. Finally, it is starting to grow how I want it to. I am considering trying hair extensions towards the end, so I can have fabulous post-partum pics. This time I will have a better photographer (Sorry mom, but the pictures of me breastfeeding after birth were not very flattering!)
4. ALL I DO IS PEE! When you're pregnant, you just don't walk to the bathroom anymore, you dart in your fastest waddle. The bathrooms at work are few and far between, and I will claw your eyes out it you dare beat me to the toilet and you saw me struggling down the hall. It's especially fun when you're outside in the middle of a run, and oops, there is no bathroom available. My darling son's favorite hang out is right on my bladder. Twice, I have gotten into very compromising situations outdoors. Let's just say I'm so glad North Carolina has a lot of trees!
5. I'm not just all bump...I'm a whole lot of boobs and hips now too! I was already overweight when I had my last son. This time I started off much smaller, but it seems like I grew out of my regular clothes and undergarments much faster. This is frustrating for a naturally curvy girl. I can't just walk into a store and pick something out and leave. Some things are too wide in the hips but not enough thigh room, or vice versa. And just because they put that ginormous expandable band around maternity pants does not make them "One Size Fits All". Trying on maternity clothes turns into an all day affair because for one, I get short of breath taking off and putting on clothes, and two, I ALWAYS HAVE TO PEE!
6. I had no idea how quickly I would lose the muscle I gained. With David, I had no muscle at all, so I didn't care. But I had worked so hard to get toned prior to getting pregnant again. Even though I am still doing light weights, I have lost some definition. I keep telling myself, I WILL GET MY ANGELA BASSETT ARMS BACK, and my booty too, for that matter!
7. SMELLS! Particularly my husband's. Last pregnancy, I hated his smell, this time I can't get enough of it, go figure! Oh, and when you work in a hospital, smells are your enemy! Enough said...
8. EMOTIONS...I was already an emotional person anyway, now I feel extremely emotional, more so than the last pregnancy. I do have to remember, A LOT has happened to me over the last 2-3 years that would send even a non-pregnant person into an emotional breakdown. I can't tell you enough, how much I miss my dad or still wonder about the baby I lost. There are times tears will fall, and I don't know why. But, I allow myself one good cry a day, and I keep on pushing! I am also a bit more sarcastic and feisty, so I have to keep my attitude in check before I get myself in trouble!
9. My doctor is getting on my nerves! LOL...nooo, I really love him, but if he tells me I am gaining too much weight one more time...I don't know what else to do. I do give in to the occasional craving, but for the most part I still eat pretty well and I am still active. I just gain weight fast, DARN IT! Curse that stupid scale! I am just grateful that I am still under 200 lbs this time around. Last time I went up to 250...never again!
10. Did I mention, I love being pregnant? There are so many crazy things that are happening inside of my body right now. I'm sleepy, cranky, fat, greasy, and slow, but I'm really loving it all. This will most likely be my last pregnancy. I'm not one of those crazy people that will try and try until I have a little girl. I've accepted my fate, that I am going to be the mother of two boys, and I actually kinda like that I'm going to be Queen B of the household. My husband thinks I'm spoiled anyway, and I couldn't handle another female taking all my attention away! lol
BUT HOLY CRAP!!! What type of car seat should I get? You mean, I can't just strap him down in the back with duck tape? Diapers? I forgot how to change the kid! You mean I have to actually feed it, it can't feed itself? Up every two hours? I ain't ready for that! Baby Shower vs Baby Sprinkle? What the what? Tune in guys, the next few months are going to be very interesting...
But, life as always, has gotten in the way. I am beating myself up for not chronicling this pregnancy experience as much as I should have, and trust me it has been quite an experience. Let me say that currently I am about 25 weeks and 3 days. For the most part, physically, I feel pretty good. I have been able to continue with my workout routine, though modified, about 4 days a week. I manage to squeeze in short run/walks in between getting off work and picking my son up from After-school care, and I try to go to the gym to do my free weight routine twice a week. I get very upset when I don't leave work on time because it messes up my whole workout regimen. Although I can take my son to the gym with me, he is now in kindergarten and once I pick him up, I like to go home immediately so we can work on his homework (he doesn't have much, but I create work for him because I want him to be successful), get him fed and in the bed at a decent time. I don't want my work out routine to take away from the precious few hours I have with him in a day. I am still leading my small Sunday run group, though I'm more like leading from the back of the pack these days.I am sooooo slow, which was to be expected. I'm walking more than running, but I discovered I am a pretty good speed walker. However, I had no idea this new little booger would slow me down so much so early on. Things in general, are going rather smooth with this pregnancy. Everyday I thank God for every little squirm or kick. I feel sooo blessed!
Well...let me tell you what I was not prepared for, or more like what I forgot about since my last full term pregnancy, nearly seven years ago. Sorry if this is TMI for some folks!
1. I forgot that I would NEVER find a comfortable position to sleep in, hence why I basically fall into a coma the moment I put my son down for bed. I am used to operating on 4-6 hours of sleep, but my sleep is very sporadic and it drives me CRAAZY!!! Driving 30 minutes to work is a nightmare, because I am so groggy. I toss and turn every night, which has been sooo much fun for my husband, too!
2. I don't feel like I have that motherly glow at all this time! I just feel greasy! I'm a few years older this time and my skin has drastically changed. My skin was never flawless, but at the beginning of this pregnancy, I broke out horribly! My regular skin routine was not working anymore. Finally, I think I have found a solution to controlling my breakouts (shouts out to the people that make Black Soap and Astringent). I'm not having nearly as many pimples since I started using the new products.
3. Glorious hair this, not so much! At the beginning, my hair was so friggin dry, no matter how much I conditioned it. With David, my hair was so healthy, shiny and thick from the beginning, it didn't even shed after I had him. Finally, it is starting to grow how I want it to. I am considering trying hair extensions towards the end, so I can have fabulous post-partum pics. This time I will have a better photographer (Sorry mom, but the pictures of me breastfeeding after birth were not very flattering!)
4. ALL I DO IS PEE! When you're pregnant, you just don't walk to the bathroom anymore, you dart in your fastest waddle. The bathrooms at work are few and far between, and I will claw your eyes out it you dare beat me to the toilet and you saw me struggling down the hall. It's especially fun when you're outside in the middle of a run, and oops, there is no bathroom available. My darling son's favorite hang out is right on my bladder. Twice, I have gotten into very compromising situations outdoors. Let's just say I'm so glad North Carolina has a lot of trees!
5. I'm not just all bump...I'm a whole lot of boobs and hips now too! I was already overweight when I had my last son. This time I started off much smaller, but it seems like I grew out of my regular clothes and undergarments much faster. This is frustrating for a naturally curvy girl. I can't just walk into a store and pick something out and leave. Some things are too wide in the hips but not enough thigh room, or vice versa. And just because they put that ginormous expandable band around maternity pants does not make them "One Size Fits All". Trying on maternity clothes turns into an all day affair because for one, I get short of breath taking off and putting on clothes, and two, I ALWAYS HAVE TO PEE!
6. I had no idea how quickly I would lose the muscle I gained. With David, I had no muscle at all, so I didn't care. But I had worked so hard to get toned prior to getting pregnant again. Even though I am still doing light weights, I have lost some definition. I keep telling myself, I WILL GET MY ANGELA BASSETT ARMS BACK, and my booty too, for that matter!
7. SMELLS! Particularly my husband's. Last pregnancy, I hated his smell, this time I can't get enough of it, go figure! Oh, and when you work in a hospital, smells are your enemy! Enough said...
8. EMOTIONS...I was already an emotional person anyway, now I feel extremely emotional, more so than the last pregnancy. I do have to remember, A LOT has happened to me over the last 2-3 years that would send even a non-pregnant person into an emotional breakdown. I can't tell you enough, how much I miss my dad or still wonder about the baby I lost. There are times tears will fall, and I don't know why. But, I allow myself one good cry a day, and I keep on pushing! I am also a bit more sarcastic and feisty, so I have to keep my attitude in check before I get myself in trouble!
9. My doctor is getting on my nerves! LOL...nooo, I really love him, but if he tells me I am gaining too much weight one more time...I don't know what else to do. I do give in to the occasional craving, but for the most part I still eat pretty well and I am still active. I just gain weight fast, DARN IT! Curse that stupid scale! I am just grateful that I am still under 200 lbs this time around. Last time I went up to 250...never again!
10. Did I mention, I love being pregnant? There are so many crazy things that are happening inside of my body right now. I'm sleepy, cranky, fat, greasy, and slow, but I'm really loving it all. This will most likely be my last pregnancy. I'm not one of those crazy people that will try and try until I have a little girl. I've accepted my fate, that I am going to be the mother of two boys, and I actually kinda like that I'm going to be Queen B of the household. My husband thinks I'm spoiled anyway, and I couldn't handle another female taking all my attention away! lol
BUT HOLY CRAP!!! What type of car seat should I get? You mean, I can't just strap him down in the back with duck tape? Diapers? I forgot how to change the kid! You mean I have to actually feed it, it can't feed itself? Up every two hours? I ain't ready for that! Baby Shower vs Baby Sprinkle? What the what? Tune in guys, the next few months are going to be very interesting...
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