Jennifer Hudson: a girl who didn't win American Idol, but is probably the most noteworthy contestant in the history of the show---grammy, Oscar, numerous other awards and accolades. I was reviewing her life through some interviews she has had, and I realized how similar we were. Besides being Black, and female, we both love to sing (though she is like 10 times more amazing!), we both continue to overcome family tragedy (nearly her entire immediate family murdered, my sister commited suicide), we both have son's named David (what a wonderful name of character!). We also have another significant similarity between us: we are both overcoming our struggles with weight.
Now, perhaps she is a bit farther along in her journey than I am, but I am amazed at how far she has come. For her, it wasn't just about being constantly scrutinized by the unforgiving media about her weight, but it was about being a role model for the people in her family, most importantly her son. She was recently on an episode of Oprah, with some members of her family, who have also joined the Weight Loss Challenge with her. Not only is her triumph a testimony to her family, but to the African American community as a whole. We have to take charge of our health...forget the hair, the clothes, the nails. Sure, we will look pretty. But is it worth dying a premature death just to look pretty in a coffin?
As morbid as that sounds, it is the truth. It is a truth that I see every day in the hospital I work at. Young, obese Black males and females, with kidney failure, diabetes, amputations, and strokes in their 40s! I see wives who should be enjoying an early retirement with their husbands, sitting vigilantly for hours at the beside of their mate. I see children trying to figure out how they are going to take care of mama or daddy, who needs 24 hr care at home, and they have to work full time. These truths I try to reveal regularly to my husband, who never really takes into account the importance of healthy eating and quality of life. To be honest, the reality of me being that wife at the bedside of my husband, scares me.
But I digress, back to Jennifer. She is definitely on the right path. In a recent interview published in April's Essence magazine, the author took note on how "Jennifer's weight loss is having a powerful effect on other people". "Now people come up to me saying 'You've inspired me'," she says in response to that. What a great feeling to have, to know that you have inspired someone to want to live a healthier lifestyle. I want that feeling. I hope that I can give birth to that feeling by inspiring my family and others in my community as well.
My new favorite quote for living an empowered life: "If you don't like something, change it, fix it, and celebrate"---Jennifer Hudson. And that is exactly what I intend to do.
WEIGHT LOSS TO DATE: 18 lbs! Go me! Go me!
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