I don't talk a lot about my husband,like on facebook, as much as I would like to because I know he would disapprove of it. I don't feel the need to talk about him in that respect all the time. I know the person he is. However, I have been waiting for the appropriate time to express my love and respect for him through my blog. November is a special month for us: Six years ago on November 15, 2005 we were legally married. Four years ago on November 16, 2007 we welcomed our beautiful baby boy,David into the world. Jason, my husband, is a key player in my weight loss journey. And of course, this month is Thanksgiving, the official beginning of the holiday season. I have a lot to be thankful for.
Six years ago this month, my husband and I left work early and headed down to the Charlotte courthouse with his parents, niece and nephew in tow. It was a short, but sweet ceremony, and we were serenaded by his then 1 year old niece's melodious crying in the background. Afterwards, we went back to our small two bedroom apartment and ate pizza as our reception dinner. This doesn't sound very romantic, but I was very happy. We had been together for 6 years at that point, 3 of them spent apart, and we were finally making our relationship official. I really did not care about having an official wedding ceremony, though my mother really felt left out. Eventually, we did have a wedding in August of 2006. It was small, but beautiful. Now when I look back, I am glad we celebrated our union in such a special way. We deserved to have a big party!
Soooo, here we are in 2011. Life for us has not been without it's challenges. Being so different, we have definitely had to compromise on more than one occasion. He's very straight, no chaser. I hate to be confrontational, I can be a little manipulative(terrible ain't I?) and I don't always like the truth revealed to me. He likes the t.v on at night, I don't. Yet, when he says he loves me, when he says I'm beautiful, I know he means it every time. He was the first person of the opposite sex that I could ever really look in the eyes without turning away and feeling insecure. He helps me to realize how blessed I am on a daily basis, when I allow life to get to me and I start to feel sorry for myself. I am a better cynic because of him(okay, that may not be a great thing, but we find humor in absurdity on a regular basis and it's fun to have someone to share this with) He cheers me on while I am exercising, even though he may have a pizza in one hand! lol. When we were going through what we perceive as hard times(i.e during the gas shortage we only had one car with gas, his car without heat in mid fall, and we had to get up before dawn to search for gas, baby in tow)we stuck close together and worked as a team. Before we got married, that kind of situation would have had me in panic mode. Yet, when you have someone to share the load with, life doesn't seem as hard.
Yes, I love him. Besides my parents, he is my biggest cheerleader, but not in the traditional sense. He doesn't allow me to break down and cry when life gets hard. If I do, I can't wallow in my sorrows all day. He gives me the cold, hard, truth. I get a pat on the butt and a kiss. I keep it moving! He always jokes with me, "Maybe you need one of those wool-knitted cap men". When he says that,he implies that I need a man who is more sensitive(for some reason he thinks sensitive men wear wool-knitted caps! LOL) I know God sent him to me for a reason. He is the person sitting on the other side of my see-saw: When I'm down he lifts me up, and vice versa. On those rare and perfect occasions, we balance each other out. We've watched each other grow over the years, and it has been absolutely amazing to see the transformations which have taken place. He is beautiful( and I'm talking chocolate beautiful!), he is talented, he is a great father, and husband. I'm losing my weight for me, but I am also trying to keep up the sexy for my honey. After all, forever is a long time and we've only just begun...I want us to be one of those frisky old couples! I feel like I don't tell him enough, but I love him so much. I am honored to be his wife.
"Loving each other is as easy as breathing.", some random bride on Say Yes To The Dress
WEIGHT LOSS TO DATE: No change in the last two weeks as far as pounds, but I am down 4 dress sizes since I began!
Great post. Its always nice to hear someone talk about how special his or her spouse is, particularly when a woman speaks about her man, and even more particular when a black woman is talking about her black man. There are some great guys that are doing the right thing and being supportive to their wives or girlfriends. Its nice when they can get some air time, especially when expressed through a voice as genuine and eloquent as yours. Happy Anniversary and I wish you guys all the best.