So, since I last wrote a blog, I went through a 10 day fast I started on the New Year. For ten days I fasted meat, dairy, all beverages besides water and gatorade (which I only drank after runs), and sweets. You may ask, what was the reason for torturing myself? Well, as I have said before, I went through a lot the end of the year and I felt the need to draw closer to God by being more disciplined.I read somewhere that fasting is about sacrifice. I was sacrificing food that I loved, for something much greater to manifest in my life. I decided to give up some carnal desires that I felt took me away from His presence. I also even gave up facebook, with the exception of checking for weekly runs with my running group.
I learned a lot during that ten days. I learned that I don't need a lot of foods that I felt were so crucial to my diet. It's funny, but during the fast, I really didn't lose weight. My body held on to it pretty tightly, which was kinda disappointing. After the fast, I really dove back in, well not too bad. I craved cheese and so I ate a lot of cheese(tried the vegan cheese,no offense vegans, but it was gross!). I had allowed my self to indulge in caffeine(white chocolate mochas and hot chocolate though with non fat milk). I also ate a lot of cupcakes! Now on a normal day, I don't crave cupcakes. My co-worker was craving them, and her craving transferred to me, lol (thanks CJ!). It didn't take long for me to gain 4 pounds back. I have a history of emotional eating, and going through the fast put me through so many emotions. So when I looked down at that scale, I had to re-evaluate what the heck I was doing. Why was I jeopardizing everything I had accomplished? You may say, 4 pounds isn't a lot. For me, it is like gaining 40 pounds because I am always aware that I have the potential to gain it all back. The thought is terrifying! So, because I have hit kind of an emotional and physical wall, I decided to invest in a personal trainer.
I went to the trainer this past week. I've seen her before. She actually teaches a lot of the fitness classes at my gym, and she also goes to my church. She was a bariatric nurse, so she had a good medical background. Another noteworthy fact is that her arms are crazy ripped! lol. I always find it interesting that God puts wonderful Christian people in my path. What I liked about her was that the first thing she said was, "I'm not out to take your money. My goal is to get you to a point where you can be motivated do these exercises on your own without me." Well, that was just great! I have plenty of motivation, but not a whole lot of money.
We went through an hours worth of total body exercises, and I got new ideas on how to do some good interval training to challenge my body a little more.Now, I'm a physical therapist, so you'd think I would know better. However, the population I work with is mostly elderly and critically ill. So,I'm definitely not running them around the track and making them bench press!lol. She even was so kind to email me the exercises. I have also been trying to make it an effort to attend more group exercises, particularly step and dance cardio class. The classes really break up the monotony of my workout routine. I don't think I will need to go to the trainer too often. I can push myself pretty hard because I know how far I've come, and I know I don't want to go back there.
Something else I did this month was to sign up for the Cooper River Bridge 10K run in Charleston, SC in March. I am soooo excited about training for this. As I have said in a previous blog, I have to set mini goals for myself to keep myself motivated. Nothing motivates you more than when you pay money for something. You are bound to commit to the venture. My money is paid, my hotel is booked, and I am ready to run!
As you all can see, I've had a busy January. It has been so life changing for me and I feel like I've got a fresh start to the new year. I actually went back for my annual check up to the doctor who was the catalyst for change in my life. When he saw me, he was like, " I don't even recognize you. Your whole face looks different. I'm so proud of you!". That was a good feeling! So I'm going to keep on pushing it, no matter how long it takes to get to my goal weight!
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