Friday, February 18, 2011


Continuing with the reading from Lysa Terkeurst's Made to Crave, she describes how Satan can use food (or any other "thing" in our life that we desire in excess) in 3 different ways that can lure us from loving God how we should: 1. through cravings: trying to get our physical desires met outside the will of God 2. lust of eyes: trying to get our material desires met outside the will of God 3. Boasting: trying to get our need for significance met outside the will of God. She took an interesting look at how Satan caused Eve (and ultimately Adam) to disobey God using food as his vehicle.

Wow! This was mind blowing to many times have I been to a restaurant or eatery, and the employees would taunt me by saying "would you like to try our new delectable such and such today, it is only 2.00?". Okay, so the little teenager from the counter is not Satan---I know she is only doing her job. However,  I would find myself bargaining with my self  "it's only one, I can eat just one and be okay" but the call of that particular food is so enticing that I leave with like a dozen (say Krispy Creme glazed doughnuts, for example). I would find myself doing this particularly if I was having a bad day, and I felt I deserved to indulge a little---only to feel guilty afterwards. Isn't it something how you seem to feel convicted after doing something you know was not beneficial to your well being? Whether you are a Christian or not, we all yield(or dismiss) to a little voice inside of us which tells us when we are in the wrong. And it never fails, I would feel defeated because of the guilt I felt from overindulging.

So, the past 4 weeks since I started my new weight loss program, I have been practicing the art of self restraint. Now, in the past, I have not been very good at this. This time, I have a visual to reflect on...God banishing Adam and Eve from the Garden because they were disobedient, and their decendents would endure hard times to come.It was not the apple that was evil. It was Satan who used food for evil intentions. Food was intended for nourishment, not fulfilment. God wanted to fulfil Adam and Eve with life, and they blew it because they were engulfed in temptation.  Everytime I partake of a  food that is unhealthy or I eat too much of something, it will eventually lead to a cycle of hardship for me:weight gain, depression, low self esteem.  I am choosing to be obedient every step of the way, so I can enjoy the rewards of a healthy weight, high self esteem and contentment with my life.


1 comment:

  1. Good job, sanpri. Sounds like you are off to a great start and have found the inspiration you need. Good luck.
