This past week has been particularly hard for me. While I have been whole heartedly committed to my new lifestyle, I have been faced with a lot of temptation this week. My husband, while he undoubtedly supports my choice to live a healthier existence, he is not on this journey with me. So, trips to the grocery store usually consists of me buying delicious healthy items as well as the foods my husband enjoys---hot dogs, pizzas, bologna, cheese, icecream and so on...
While I don't want to force my new way of living on him, it is hard not to get frustrated when I am walking this road by myself. Along with frustration, usually leads to temptation, and the cycle of unhealthy eating begins again. I find myself thinking about food constantly throughout the day. I came home from a meeting and saw 2 boxes of Papa Johns Pizza on the table, all of its cheesy pepperoni goodness. Passing over the macaroni and cheese and stromboli at work has truly been agonizing for me, and not to mention the waffle God the WAFFLE FRIES!!!
As a means of tackling my temptation, I realized that I had to stock healthy, low calorie, but satisfying snacks within my reach. I am now a big fan of the 100 calorie popcorn bags, tangerines, and veggie straws from Costco. I have come to the non-clinincally diagnosed conclusion that I may have an oral fixation, and I just like to have something in my mouth. Sugar free icebreakers sour are also my friend. They really curb my appetite for some reason. And prayer. I have daily short conversations with my Savior, because the times I feel like I am alone in this journey I know he is always with me. I hope that whatever temptations you may face on a daily basis, you have a confidant to reach out to to reassure you that you are stronger than that "thing" that tries to consume you.
WEIGHT LOSS TO DATE 5 WEEKS DOWN: 14 lbs. Slowly but surely, ya'll
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