Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Sweet Life

It has been a long thirty days! I challenged myself to avoid all sweets for the month of June. Boy, am I glad June is only thirty days, because thirty-one would have killed me! lol. I would not be telling the whole truth if I said I lived a completely sugar-free life for the last 30 days. I did avoid chocolate, cakes, cupcakes, pies, cookies, and candy all month. I did enjoy an occasional sweet beverage. However, I am still proud of the discipline I showed because last month I went CRAZY with the sweets. Now, I know that I don't need sugar to make it through the day. Not to make light of what drug addicts go through, but I really felt helpless to it. I made "secret" runs to the store, had a stash of Reeses in my car. Oh, it was bad! The more that I consumed, the more I wanted. I had to break the cycle because I felt dependent on sugar as a stress reliever for that short period of time. It was no longer something I truly enjoyed occasionally as a treat. Sugar was something I started to depend on to get me through the day. I was getting an "addicts" mentality, and I did not want to go down that road. Thankfully, I continued to be very active, but I did put on a few pounds for whatever reason; it could have been the sugar, the weight training,or my hormones.

This month has been great, and busy! baby boy has been out of town enjoying the company of his grandparents for the last month. I have certainly enjoyed this much needed time alone with my husband. We've enjoyed attempting to make home improvements, and impromptu late night runs to Wal-mart. I've gotten a chance to really focus on my fitness. I could run or workout at times I normally wouldn't be able to, and I have gotten to run more with different Black Girls Run groups around the city. Some of them would probably tell you that I've been a running fool! We take a group picture at the end of each run and post them on the BGR Charlotte Facebook page. I've probably been in about 20 pictures this month alone. By the looks of my Nike Run App, I guess I am a fool for running. I have logged over 50 miles this month! I am not sure if this is a first because I've never been real consistent with tracking my miles up until now. Even still, there were a few short runs I did this month that I didn't track. Some runs were slower than others, but regardless, I finished! It has been very humid lately, which my body does not handle well. So I have been focusing more on frequency, and less on speed and distance. I've been so busy and active, I've hardly noticed the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup minis at the checkout counter, or the cookies from Qdoba at work. Nope, didn't give them a second glance! I've been tightening up,and although I have only lost about two of the six pounds I've gained, I've never felt more in shape or beautiful!

So, tomorrow marks the 1st day of my 17 day long birthday celebration! Since I turned 29, birthdays have been very important to me. Maybe it is because at 29, I decided to make a turn for better health. I saw a truth about myself I've always known, but was too afraid to confront. I felt I didn't deserve to feel good about my self, and I hid it behind being a people-pleaser and over-eater. I didn't want to go into my 30s feeling the same way. So, for the next 17 days until my big day, I must warn you all, I may be a little bit obnoxious and extremely sentimental! I have been thinking of ways to celebrate every day in small ways. One thought that came to mind was to celebrate a person who has had a big impact in my life each day of the 17 days. I am going to write a journal entry(I actually have a paper journal, too) about each person and do a Facebook entry about that person as well. I want to focus on myself, but celebrate others who have positively impacted my life as well. I also want to do something I've never done before, like rock-climbing(in doors, of course) or hike a local mountain.

So, just continue to follow me on the is not over yet. I may be saying goodbye to 31, but I am rejoicing in the blessings I have now and the ones coming my way. It has been very hard for me to not be anxious about the things my heart truly desires. My good friend shared a quote today from Christine Caine, a powerful woman of God who has preached at my church many times. She said, "Don't put a due date on something God is going to deliver in due season.". I needed to hear that so much! I know that my desires need to be in line with God's will, and I have been praying the two become aligned. So I am dedicated to stepping into 32 with this quote in mind. I'm gonna live the Sweet Life with maybe a little less sweets this time around! Here's to my new year!

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